"Ur Aska" - by The Animation Workshop
CGI 2D Animated Short Film: Ur Aska Animated Short Film by The Animation Workshop. Featured on CGMeetup https://www.cgmeetup.com/
Two women live happily together, one starts to transform,
disturbing their usual dynamic. The one left unchanged has to
decide how far their love goes.
Ur Aska was made by a team of 3rd year Character Animation & CG Art students at The Animation Workshop/VIA University College in Viborg, Denmark. uraska.tumblr.com/
Myra Hild - Director / Storyboard Artist / Animator - myrahild.strikingly.com/
Vir Prieto - Animation Lead / Storyboard Artist / Character Designer - virprieto.strikingly.com
Emilie Bach - Art Director / Background Artist - emiliebach.dk/
Charly Katrin Mårtensson - Production Manager / Animation Cleanup - charlykm.strikingly.com/
Bjørk Trondherim - Technical Art Director / Background & Concept Artist - bjorkart.portfoliobox.net/
Jowanna Barvizi - Character Designer / Animator / Cleanup Supervisor - jowannabarvizi.portfoliobox.net/
Maria Blowers - Animator / Editor / Storyboard Artist - mariablowers.strikingly.com/
Heidi Holmeå Christiansen - Animator / Storyboard Artist / Production Manager - heidiholmeaa.com/
Sif Perlt Savery - Animator / Editor / Storyboard Artist - sifps.com/
Noa Juel - Animator / Storyboard Artist / Character Designer - noajuel.com/
Natascha Caja - Animator - nataschja-caja.strikingly.com/
Emei Olivia Burell - Story Consultant - emeiburell.strikingly.com/
Facebook page: facebook.com/urAskaTAW/
The Animation Workshop www.animationworkshop.via.dk